
Some of these documents are in French (), and others in English ().

Except for the logos of R and of some institutions, I own the copyrights of all documents (text and figures) available for download below.

Classical statistical tests; statistics course for Master at the University of Montpellier in 2004: Les tests classiques courants.

An introduction to generalised linear models; statistics course for Master at the University of Montpellier in 2004: Comprendre les modèles linéaires généralisés.

Slides on the structure of phylogenetic data in R, presented at the University of Gothenburg in June 2009: Phylogenetic and Comparative Data in R.

Slides on ape, presented at the University of Graz in September 2008 (mostly the same contents than the next slides): ape: analysis of phylogenetics and evolution.

Slides on ape, presented at the University of La Réunion (St Denis) and the Cirad (St Pierre) in April 2009: ape: analysis of phylogenetics and evolution.

Slides for a five-day course on R with emphasis on linear and nonlinear models and maximum likelihood estimation applied to various situations, given at the Ifremer (Sète) in February 2009 (with some exercices and their corrections): Formation "IfremeR".

Slides for a eight-day course on R (in three parts), given at IRD (Montpellier and Sète) in Autumn 2007:
  1. Introduction to R
  2. Statistical analyses with R
  3. Advanced programming and package development in R
Slides from lectures given at the Agricultural University of Bogor (Indonesia) in 2011–2013:
  1. Bootstrap methods in phylogenetics
  2. Estimation methods with an emphasis on maximum likelihood
  3. Linear models, ANOVA, and ANCOVA
Slides from a three-day workshop on phylogenetics and population genetics with R given with Thibaut Jombart in March 2014: Montpellier_2014.

Slides from a five-day workshop on advanced R programming in September 2019: Formation R—Programmation et développement.
The C, Fortran, and C++ code used in the applications: sum_C.c, sum_Call.c, sumF.f, sumRcpp.cpp.

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